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Parrish Highlanders ATV Club Scholarship



1. The $500 annual scholarship is intended to assist in the post high school education of the scholarship winner.

2. Eligibility

a. Current Parrish Highlanders ATV Club member in good standing

b. Immediate family of members

c. Grandchildren of members

d. If no applicants, graduates of high schools in Langlade, Lincoln, or Oneida counties.

3. Requirements

a. Complete and submit application by Sept. 30.

b. Plan to attend an accredited certificate, associates, or bachelors degree program.

c. Provide copy of college letter of acceptance to the club. (when available)

d. Must be DNR ATV safety certified and enclose copy of certificate.

e. Submit a 250 word essay on “What ATVing means to me”.

4. The club will notify scholarship winner by December 15.

5. Money will be mailed to the Tech School or College the student plans on attending.

6. Awarding of the scholarship is at the sole discretion of the ATV club.


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Parrish Highlanders ATV CLub

Parrish Highlands ATV Club

P.O. Box 374

Elcho, WI 54428-0374



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